We Are All Brain Architects: How to Be Better in Love, Work and Parenting (forthcoming)

There exists a very simple truth about humanity: when we feel good about who we are, we more readily connect with those around us; we advance socially and innovate cognitively. In other words, we plug into the higher processing centers of our brains. When we don’t feel good about who we are, we feel threatened and, as such, we instinctively retreat to the reactive, survival areas of our brains, disconnecting us from the very skill sets that helped us advance society—collaboration and connection. Little by little, tweet by tweet, and face to face, the essence of our humanity is dwindling. But it’s not too late to get it back. We can rebuild our pro-social skill sets as partners, parents, and professionals in order to return to who we are meant to be. 

Because we are brain architects. 

We Are All Brain Architects: How to Be Better in Love, Work and Parenting explains how to use each and every interaction with those around us as an opportunity, indeed a privilege, to leave our brains and others in a better place. As we do, we pull people and ourselves out of learned patterns of self-protection that inhibit neural energy that would be better spent innovating, creating and achieving. Paula combines theory and practice from the fields of identity development, neuroscience and social and emotional learning and shares simple and valuable strategies for all of us to feel fulfilled in love, work and parenting.

Reach Before You Teach: Ignite Passion and Purpose in Your Classroom (Corwin Press, 2014)

Students face pressures that undermine the development of a solid sense of self, jeopardizing success in school and in life: Family issues, economic concerns, media influences, social pressures, physical changes, and more influence how students feel about themselves.
When these go unnoticed, even the best teaching methods fall short. Reach Before You Teach shows educators how to form the nurturing, individualized connections that make students feel worthy, fulfilled, and ready to flourish as learners. You can access the free e-book by reading Paula’s blog on the Corwin website here.

Your Self Series (Prentis and Parrott, LLC, 2012) 

Your Self Series is a comprehensive social emotional learning curriculum used nationwide by clinicians and educators to help students be the best that they can be in school and in life. The series is composed of a three book curriculum, an educator’s training guide and an extensive online resource. Learn more here.