Nurturing Connections and Social Skills For School Safety

Our ability to learn is heavily dependent on a safe and secure educational atmosphere. Authentic connections with caring individuals combined with teaching pro-social skills lay the foundation for a safe environment. 

This presentation explores student behavior from a neurological and developmental perspective and offers appropriate supports to build connections both within the brain and among students and educators. These connection strategies such as fairness, inclusivity, and empathy have a lasting impact on engagement and build a strong sense of self. 

Participants will learn and experience not only why connection and emotion regulation strategies are relevant but exactly how they can begin to implement them immediately in the classroom in order to build a culture of safety and community.

Here’s what participants will learn:

         - Behavior is a clue for how to connect proactively, compassionately and systematically.

         - Multiple ways to build connections with and among students.

         - How to develop a safe classroom and school climate.

         - How social emotional learning can be part of your school safety plan.